Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another day at the beach

More cool fishing boats at this beach! And my cool friend Karyn.


wittle birdies

We found this nest of little birdies in a car park! Hungry little things!

No more RAIN!

Rain season is officially over. We´ve been having beautiful sunny HOT days! Perfect for the beach! I love the fishing boats on the water. And the ground looked cool all cracked up!


This is the best icypole ever! Watermelon. It looks like a watermelon, tastes like a watermelon but has yummy choc cruch pips! It´s so good! They only sell them in summer!


Meet Kaneko. He is my special student. I have a lot of fun teaching him English. He loves games and most of the time makes his own games up. He can´t sit still and ends up all over the classroom. He loves coming up to me to say good morning, how are you.


This was taken on the 14th of July, the day before the typhoon hit Hamamatsu at a beach close by. Lots of rain and wind. Angry waves!

Basketball Club

I spent an afternoon playing basketball with the girls! The boy in the pic is cool! He loves saying hello to me... ALL THE TIME! Like, every 2 seconds!


This is the etching I was working on in art club! So much fun!