Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'll start with the end.

I thought I'd post some latest pics of the little munchkin man... who STILL doesn't have teeth! Oh, they are there ready to pop out any day now, yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, we had a bit of an adventure on the way back with the stupid airline. That's another story but it was crazy, just as we were landing in New Zealand Minol did the hugest puke...EVERYWHERE. It was gross and I got GOT. So everything stank and lucky I had his little stripey jumpsuit to change him into but I only had a change of top so my jeans got a good wash down and spray with perfume! He had a ball with our little stop at the New Zealand airport. He zipped around everywhere and found some seats to crawl under. And he loved doing blowfishes on the window! He's a crazy boy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Back and ready to BLOG!

Ahhhhhhhhh, so cold but soooooooo wonderful! Hello Tassie!! Home again home again jiggity jig. So much to post about. Taking a break from unpacking to check up on everyone! Wow... so much to catch up on! Will do big big posts over the next few days. Whoohoo.