Saturday, May 17, 2008

talkie time

You can't really see much but this is baby Minol having a good ol' chat to us one morning.


The Kings said...

So cute. I love how Minol speaks to him in Japanese as well as English (I'm assuming its Japanese!). He will be a very smart little boy knowing two languages.

Essie said...

It's actually Portuguese! I wish I understood what he was saying though! When Minol starts teaching him Japanese that'll be three languages! I've got to get lessons so I wont get left out!

Bec said...

Essie that is TOO cute!!

The Kings said...

oh wow - he really WILL be a clever boy!

Karyn Kondo said...

Oiiiii Ess...

Long time... Saudade de vcs!!!
I lost your email... please send me again...
The pics is beautiful...
O bebe está lindo de mais... muito fofo!!!!
E o Minol já está ensinando ele a dar socos!!!kkk
Please, write for me ok...
I'm waiting
