Friday, September 17, 2010

road rage

So... Estella, driving along (in Minol's car). Mmmmn, actually, let's say cruising along...yes, that suits Estella's style of driving. Brrrroommmm, brrrroom.

Beep beep. "Hi mum".
Oooops, think she's speeding a little there.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. (Brakes). "Excuse me! You're in my way. Get off the road!!"

Beep beeeeeeep!! "COME ON! Stop texting in the middle of the road!"

A few more harsh words... I think Estella was about to get out and bop him one...
"Come on Dad, do something!"

Oooops, Daddy thinks that's enough Estella and tries to get her out of the car. She holds on with her grip of steel. "Nooooooooo Daddy, put me back!"


Hel said...

LOVE that grip of steel!

Collette said...

haha what a cutie! Learning some driving habbits off her mum by the looks:)

Essie said...

Yeah, while Minol gets his mobile phone skills from cousin Collette...(who we haven't seen in AGES boo hoo) hehe.