Wednesday, November 23, 2011

round two

My boy my boy.  My beautiful boy.  My children are my heroes.  Monday morning we took Minol into the hospital for a little more surgery on his lip.  His surgeon is an amazing man and when he told us earlier on in the year that he would like to even up his top lip (although to us it was perfect however it looked) we scheduled his surgery for this month.  As Big Minol was in Melbourne having photo shoots with a world champion BJJ guy, taking classes and winning gold medals at the Melbourne International comp for almost two weeks (he only came home Monday morning), I tried to prepare my little boy for his hospital trip and warn him about having to fast.  He was AWESOME!  Just took everything in his stride.  Jumped around on the hospital bed before his surgery, impressing everyone with his batman costume (of course he had to go in as BATMAN- they even put him to sleep wearing his batman mask!)  After the surgery when he finally woke up he ate two icy poles and was up again playing with the toys at the hospital and ready to go home.  Even when we got home he was running around the house again.  I have been very cautious and telling him to slow down as I would hate for him to bump it and split the stitches open.  And my Estella girl.  What a girl.  Estella is now getting around the house like nothing else in her brace.  She has attempted the sumo stand a few times but mostly stands on one foot holding onto things or climbs up shelves and couches and tables and beds... EVERYTHING!  I've had to move her cot back to the bottom setting so she doesn't climb out.  She is wonderful at breakdancing in the middle of the lounge room.  She is just so cheeky though and tries to escape every time I change her nappy or after her baths.  She does laps around me while I try to catch her.  I just love how these beautiful children don't let anything slow them down.  It is so inspiring and encouraging.  Especially when sometimes I feel weighed down by hospital visits and being a single mum while Minol goes to Melbourne I just look at these kids and feel so blessed.  


melandpeter said...

So glad the hospital visits are at least on hold for now and you have your hubby back. A lot of the credit needs to go to you Ess. You're the super mum dealing with all the dramas. Great to see Minol happy and munching on his icy-pole. Love ya loads. xxx

Nettie's Blog said...

You are an AWESOME MUM....the best and only mum for those two beautiful kids.....children are very rescilient and can get through anything when they have stabiltiy and nuturing from a GREAT MUM..that's YOU Esther...

Anonymous said...

kids are amazing at dealing with tough things... what a little super star minol is! and I wanna see estella's break dancing! she has the prettiest little features.
Doing a great job Esther! love aimee