Sunday, August 06, 2006


Me, Fiona, Phil and Paul

Sophie, Me, Fiona, Matt, Phil and Paul

BJJ comp held at the Bridgewater PCYC yesterday. Unfortunately for me there wasn't anyone for me to compete against as the only other females are white belts...boohoo. But Fiona, who has only been training for just over 3 months entered and did AWESOME! She submitted her first two oponents with armbars, but her last fight was against someone a bit heavier and once she got on top, Fiona wasn't quite sure how to get her off! So that's something to work on! Phil also did well, coming second in the open blue belt category.


Chelsea Parsons said...

Bummer, I was looking forward to seeing you kick some butt...

Chelsea Parsons said...

Curious...what kind of training do you do for bjj?

Essie said...

Yeah, I totally would loved to have kicked some butt! For training we usually do 30-45 minutes of warming up, which includes running, jumping, rolling, stretching, drills and lots of other crazy stuff. Then we go over techniques for 20-30 min, then finish up with some wrestling... then cool downs, stretches. That's a typical training!