Sunday, January 06, 2008


Meet Pablo. Minol's pet for two days. He was a good pet. Fun to play with. Quiet. Didn't eat much. Didn't eat at all actually. I don't think he liked the ant Minol gave him to eat. Now he's back in his home environment running free. We miss you Pablo.


Simone Triffitt said...

Um, not a very cuddly pet I take it!

Essie said...

Not at all! Minol reminded me of the little kids at school who come to class with their pet spiders in a jar! What he really wants is a dog though! I'd prefer a Pablo for now.

Chelsea Parsons said...

just let me know if there will be any of them running around when I come this week....... girls excited to come play with you!

Essie said...

Don't worry Chels, Minol found it digging deep in the rocks. I've never seen one running round! Looks like wed and thurs are gonna be nice for the pool!

Chelsea Parsons said...

hang on... aint that the pair of tweezers I used on Darby's splinter the other day!!! he he!!!!