You and your spouse: Essie & Minol
How long have you been together? Oh it seems like forever (hehe)
How long did you date? Maybe a coupla years (Minol was in Japan for about half the time)
How old is he? 26 (Me too, only I'm about a month older, whoohoo)
Who eats more? Definitely Minol.
Who said "I love you" first? Minol. I was stubborn and it took me a while to tell him that heck yeah I loved him too!
Who is taller? Minol
Who sings better? Me. But he wont let me sing when we're in the car. The car is HIS singing time and he reckons I spoil it. It's only 'cos he makes up the lyrics as he goes.
Who is smarter? Even though I get the blonde jokes I think we're the same smartness but in different ways! Minol has a go at me though because I'm a teacher and should know EVERYTHING. What a joke!
Who does the laundry? Mwa
Who does the dishes? Mostly mwa.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
Who pays the bills? Both.
Who mows the lawn? What lawn?
Who cooks dinner? Both. Minol is good at cooking so I pretend I can't cook (hehe). But if I'm not cooking I'm helping him cook. He always makes me do the rice! In Brazil and Japan they eat rice with everything so I'm constantly cooking rice!
Who is more stubborn? Mmmmn, Minol I guess.
Who kissed who first? (Ewwwe, kissing... gross...hehe!) He smooched me first.
Who asked who out? Minol was a man... he asked me out.
Who proposed? He did. He asked me a million times before I took him seriously. It wasn't until we went ring shopping that I was like "Ooooh, this is for real!!"
Who is more sensitive? I am NOT SENSITIVE! Nah, I guess I'm more senstitive, I am a "woman" after all! I think I would worry if Minol was more sensitive than I was.
Who has more friends? Heck. I dunno, never counted them. I reckon we're pretty even steven in the friend department.
Who has more siblings? I diddaly doodaly. 2 brothers, 2 sisters Vs Minol's 1 sister.
1 comment:
Yay!! I didn't have to call you!
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