Friday, January 18, 2008


Attempt number 2. This time we (Dad, Mum, Mic, Minol and I) headed down to Uncle John and Aunty D's shack at 5.30am, YES- in the MORNING! The sunrise made it worth it! We picked a good time this time to go fishing as the sun wasn't too strong, the weather was just nice so we were able to take the boat out. A few seconds with my line in the water and bitey bite bite went the fishies. Ok, so the truth is I caught the most fish but it took me a while to get going. I kept catching little ones that were under size so I had to throw them back. At least I got proof here that I did catch some good sized ones! It was a great day, non stop. We could have been all day. Minol was a happy boy being out on the boat! Lunch was yummo, we cooked up some fresh flatty! Mmmmn!

See... how's this for a good size! (Dad got the camera strap in the way)

There we go, no camera strap!

Minol's wittle fishy.

Dad looking very little boyish with his long denim shorts and bucket hat.

The Legend Uncle John who has had so much experience cleaning fish he can do it with his eyes closed.
The Mic-sta

Mmmmn, flathead! I loved the wooden mallet to knock the fish out!
Our little stop at a secluded beach.


Chelsea Parsons said...

gorgeous... and so glad you guys finally got some fish! Darbs went fishing with Dave and Jack and they got lots too. It's all luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chester!
Nice fish!!
Hasn't anyone taught you that it is bad manners to catch a big fish when men are present!!!
This younger generation doesn't know any fishetiquette.

Nikki said...

Yummo! Nice photos too.
So glad I finally got to chat with you today!! Can't wait for the next mummy's group...we can chat babies for hours!! x